Knock, Knock. How to Avoid Door-to-Door Scams

Posted by Billy Peshke on Tuesday, November 15th, 2016  7:14am.

It’s early in the evening and there’s a knock on the door. You answer and are greeted by an official-looking man who claims he needs to see your utility bill to confirm you’re getting your energy rebate.  Do you let him in?  While he may be legitimate, he may also be using deception to sell you something you don’t want. Here are some suggestions for finding out:

Most importantly, use your common sense. Door-to-door salespeople can be pretty persuasive, but if something doesn’t seem right to you, trust your gut. Say, “No thanks.” Of course, if everything checks out with the salesperson, and the offer is a good one, consider taking advantage of it.

For more tips, Billy Peshke can be reached at 403-466-8353 and Yasin Peshke at 403-681-0319.