Posted by Billy Peshke on Friday, April 1st, 2016 11:46am.
Determining if you should buy a new home or fix up your current one isn’t easy. In fact, the decision can be steeped in so much drama they make reality TV shows about it! So if you’re considering whether to move or improve, here are three things to consider.
Whichever decision you make — renovate or sell — you can expect to have to make at least some compromises. That’s normal.
For example, consider adding an extension to your house. That’s a major renovation. Is it the ideal way to get the extra room you want? Do the benefits of renovating outweigh the benefits of finding a new larger home designed to include the space you need?
Yes, it’s a tough decision. If you’re in the midst of making it, call the Peshke Real Estate team today, to get the facts you need to make the best choice for you. Billy Peshke can be reached at 403-466-8353 and Yasin Peshke at 403-681-0319.