Our in House, Maxwell Real Estate Solutions Ltd. Wednesday morning meeting was a great one this morning. Always a great discussion on how to continually improve our service for both selling and buying clientele. Current market update information essential in helping buyers and sellers navigate through our local and surrounding area markets. Conversation on the National Home Strategy Program to assist home buyers in their quest for home ownership. Conversation on the current rental market for what's available, what's not and our commitment to providing all services of many real estate endeavours. Talking points on educating or being available to home owners, future new home owners and real estate investors who need or want a different insight into the dos…

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If you were using the National Housing Strategy to help with a $370,000,00 home and by doing so you were able to save $91.39/ month on a mortgage payment and you invested what you were saving/month, $91.39/month saved, compounding semi annually at a 2% rate over 25 years you could accumulate $36,978.35 in that investment time frame.

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Government of Canada National Housing Strategy currently in effect to assist what is referred to as First Time Home Buyers may be something you, your kids or your kid's kids have questions or concerns about. Between the Tim McRae Housing Strategy and the Government of Canada National Housing Strategy this may be an ideal time to sit with a Professional Realtor, {like myself}, to review all options that are both beneficial to you as well as options you may want to or need to avoid. Call, text, or email me to take advantage of an Advantage. 

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Wonderful selection of single family homes, semi detached, condominiums, manufactured homes both in the City of Red Deer and surrounding communities. Buy real estate and wait. Don't wait to buy real estate.

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