Found 1 blog entry tagged as #resale #newbuild #peshketeam #peshkerealestateteam #maxwellcapitalrealty.

If you're thinking about moving, you may be weighing purchasing a new build versus a resale. For a rundown of the pros and cons of each, read on. If you're thinking about moving, you may be weighing purchasing a new build versus a resale. For a rundown of the pros and cons of each, read on.

New Build Pros

-Brand-new condition

-Can customize features

-Most are covered under warranty for the first few years

Often built with the latest energy-efficient features, saving you money on utility bills

Typically pay less in maintenance fees

New Build Cons

-Lot, floorplan, and views can change during construction

-Construction delays are common, leaving you at the mercy of whatever the interest rates are when construction is complete…

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