Unless you're a real estate expert, you probably look at the market and think things are pretty confusing. Even a bit crazy! You hear news about “bubbles bursting”, “higher or lower home sales in a particular month”, “new home starts” that are up or down, and on and on it goes.  It’s a lot of news and a lot of jargon.   If you're thinking of selling your home within the next year or two, you will want to understand what's happening in the market so you can make the right decisions and get a clear sense of what to expect. So, how do you make sense of it all?   That's where a good REALTOR® can help.  Even if you don't have any definite plans to move in the near future, a REALTOR® who is an expert in the local marketplace can help you understand what homes…

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Many people only see a doctor when they're sick or have some other health concern. On the other hand, some people visit a doctor regularly for check- ups, to ask questions and get advice, and to maintain good health.  Which do you think is the better approach? Obviously, the second one!  The same thing is true when it comes to real estate. Even if you have no current plans to buy or sell a home, there are many reasons to talk to a REALTOR® regularly in order to maintain your good "real estate" health. For example, you can: 

• Get an assessment of the current market value of your home, so you can make an informed decision about whether to stay or move.

 • Ask about the state of the local real estate market (which may be vastly different than what you…

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